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Type limitations

Ultimately, every KV key and value must be converted into strings of text for display in a browser. This inevitably leads to limitations on converting values back and forth. The following specific scenarios are known limitations:

  • undefined - support for undefined values is limited. It is not possible to set a value as undefined. If an existing KV value (or value within a data structure) is undefined, this will display correctly on viewing. If however the undefined value is, e.g., a property of an object and you modify the object (leaving the undefined property alone), the undefined property is removed from the object. E.g. given {a: 5, b: undefined} and you set it via the UI to {a:6, b: undefined} this will save to KV as {a:6}.
  • Strings which are solely a number ending with 'n' are auto-converted to BigInt
  • Outside of the specific types covered in setting simple and complex types, you can only view and not set these. E.g. Int16Array, Uint16Array, etc. Any types without direct support are rendered to a string via JSON5.stringify(kvValue). Type names are derived from the type itself, or in the case of an object, from the constructor name.