Setting simple types
Simple types work everywhere with no special handling required ('simple' in this context is a type which works 'as is' everywhere). They work equally well as the KV value or value within an object, Map, Array, etc. Examples shown are what you would type for the value in KV Client when setting or updating a value.
Type | Example as KV value | Example setting value within a data structure |
boolean | true | { myBoolean: true } |
null | null | { myNull: null } |
number | 1234 | { myNumber: 1234 } |
string* | hello world | { myString: "hello world" } |
JSON* | { "myKey": "myValue" } | {myJSON: '{ "myKey": "myValue" }' } |
* Note that strings and JSON are unquoted when used as primary KV value and quoted when used within other data structures